Friday, July 29, 2011


The Adirondack crew started their kayaking journey on Wednesday and they couldn't be paddling in a more majestic spot!

After breaking into small groups and outfitting themselves with pfd's, spray skirts, paddles and boats, they headed out onto Lake Champlain for a morning of learning sweep strokes, boat stability, and a rousing game of sponge tag... in which the counselors were seriously soaked!

After lunch, the group learned a little about packing their dry sacks and loading up their kayaks for island camping, then forged the way to Valcour Island! The afternoon was full of crossing boat channels, hugging the coastline and surfing some waves created by the winds.

The campsite on Valcour island is an amazing spot and the group is having a blast enjoying their waterfront accommodations!

Day two of kayaking had the group circumnavigating Valcour! A full day with stops into Smuggler's Cove, races out to Garden Island and Bay swimming! Everyone's strokes are getting stronger and more natural and the breathtaking views of Vermont on one side and the Adirondack Mountains on the other make for pleasant days in the sun.

Today the group was headed to Crab Island to explore and practice T Rescues along the way! Stay tuned for more water-filled adventures and pics soon!

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