Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Out of the Woods!

... and looking great!

The team divided into two groups on Thursday and started trekking on opposite sides of GIANT mountain... one of the Adirondacks' highest and most exciting climbs.

Group A: Shannon, Alex, Sam, Adam, Maddie and Lazlo, lead by the fearless duo of Jordan and Abby, started in at Roaring Brook and enjoyed the scenic waterfalls. Continuing on, they day hiked the Giant Basin and mighty Mt. Nubble! The group made an ambitious decision to see the top of Giant Mountain at SUNRISE! After the group pow-wow, they jumped into their sleeping bags so the 1am hike start wouldn't feel too extreme! After a rewarding hike and watching the glorious sunrise... the group took a well deserve nap and headed down to Giant Lean-to.

Group B: Reece, Alyssa, Zach, David, Lloyd, Camille and Nick! Led by the hilarious Drew and Anna, the gang started at the opposite end of Giant and hiked straight into the Lean-to. The next day, their long and strenuous climb up and over Giant forged the group together as a tight-knit community, with the memories of trial conversations and sing-a-longs still resounding. After settling at Roaring Brook Falls, they enjoyed several hidden swimming holes and rallied to Day Hike Noonmark Mountain! One of the best views of the entire Adirondack State Park!

The group reunited with stories and skits around the fire, and with their backcountry adventure complete they head to Macomb Reservation this afternoon and will head out on Lake Champlain tomorrow to learn the ins and outs of sea kayaking!

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